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The authors of this website are all doctors that currently work in the United Kingdom (UK) and have either successfully passed the Final FRCR Part 2A exam or have many years of experience preparing candidates for UK medical exams including the FRCR.

The part 2A exam has recently been re-structured and the format altered. Previously the six main topics were examined in a modular format. These have now been merged into a single exam covering all of the core knowledge with which a candidate should be familiar prior to the part 2B exam.

The whole exam is six hours long with 240 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions. It is split into two papers, one taken in the morning, and one in the afternoon and each lasting three hours. The scores from both papers are combined to give a single mark. It is therefore not possible to pass one paper at a time.

The exam is mapped to the competences of Years 1-3 of the Clinical Radiogy Curriculum which is available on the RCR website. The questions for the new exam will initially be taken from the existing question banks used to create the old modular papers. We feel that the questions on this site are highly representative of those that will be faced during the FRCR Part 2A and will therefore provide an excellent means of preparing for it.

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